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BJS Academy SoMe Review for January 2023
Patricia Tejedor @tejedorpat, Anna Curell @annacurell, Rosa Jimenez Rodriguez @rosamjimenezrod, Julio Mayol @juliomayol
13 February 2023
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Isaac Mendoza @Isaacmenm and Julio Mayol @juliomayol
From insightful discussions to ground-breaking announcements, the following countdown highlights the top 20 tweets that not only reached wide audiences, as measured on August 12th, but also made a significant impacts. These tweets from @BJSurgery, @BJSOpen and @BJSAcademy have set the bar high, showcasing content that educates, informs and engages. Join us as we dive into each tweet, exploring the stories behind the impressive numbers and the content that captivated so many. 1. Leading the pack with 49K impressions, a viral sensation on July 28 by @BJSurgery steals the spotlight with its insightful content.
BJS Academy SoMe Review for February 2022
Julio Mayol @juliomayol and Rosa Jimenez Rodriguez @rosamjimenezrod
“It is the best of times, it is the worst of times, it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness, it is the epoch of belief, it is the epoch of incredulity, it is the season of Light, it is the season of Darkness”. So, let’s start this February 2022 social media review with the StOP protocol on YouTube. A highly educational video from the open-access article “Effects of structured intraoperative briefings on patient outcomes: multicentre before-and-after” was posted on the BJS YouTube site on February 3rd, 2022. The authors concluded that “Short intraoperative briefings improve patient outcomes and should be performed routinely.”
BJS Academy SoMe Review December 2021
Julio Mayol
The surgical community on social media was particularly active during the last month of 2021. Twitter was plagued with interesting tweets because deadlines were approaching, and global collaborations (#CovidSurg, #TUGS, #ICARUS) were seeking more engagement from surgeons in countries all over the world. More importantly, the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant started to have a huge impact, delaying the delivery of elective surgical care in Western Europe. You can watch the video below: On December 16th, @ASGBI, a BJS Society strategic partner, announced on Twitter that the deadline for the BJS Prize submission was the 20th of December ( The ASGBI International Surgical Congress will take place in Liverpool between the 3rd and the 5th of May 2022.